Effective Alternatives to In-Person Therapy

As we adapt to virtual and remote learning methods for the short term and long term, we understand that hiring, sustaining, training and empowering therapist is more challenging than previous school years. With Ascend’s Telehealth program implemented, the school administration and leadership can be assured that we have trained Occupational Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists, and Physical Therapists and supervisors available to address the students’ IEP needs. We are proficient at assigning the approrpoiate skilled clinician for the schools needs be it individual, group, push-in, pull out or virtual assessments. Our team come with over 200 hours of training with Teletherapy with children of all ages.

Easing Workload On School Staff

Our trained Ascend clinicians would also assist with compensatory time, pending assessments, IEP’s, IEEs, new referrals, SST’s etc which would also ease the workload for district therapists already working at the school. This provides more time to all school staff to focus on treatment planning, de-escalating any situations, collaborating with teachers and focusing on their area of expertise to provide higher-quality help to their students.

Flexible Scheduling

With students and therapists connecting virtually at a time that is convenient to both parties leads to higher consistency, individualized attention, ease with scheduling and hence higher achievement towards their goals. Often many students for personal or family or physically cannot arrive at school each day hence they would still have access to high-level educational methods through this virtual/remote assistance.

Filling Gaps in Positions

Often schools have maternity/paternity and medical leaves that require short term and/or long term coverage during the school year. Our partnership allows for filling in those gaps when open positions arise. This prevent lapse in addressing anything as per the IEP while providing continuity in care.