What is Teletherapy?
Teletherapy is the online delivery of speech and occupational therapy services using high-resolution, live video conferencing. Teletherapy sessions are very similar to traditional speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or mental health sessions with one major exception. Instead of sitting in the same room, students and therapists interact via live interactive video conferencing.
Is Teletherapy as effective as Onsite Therapy?
There is a myth circulating in therapy circles that teletherapy is of inferior quality to traditional face-to-face therapy. This is patently false for the following reasons:
- Our speech therapists providing services are ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) certified, and our Occupational Therapists are AOTA (American Occupational Therapy Association) certified, so there is no compromise in the quality of the therapist.
- Teletherapy has been used successfully since the late 1990’s for thousands of therapy sessions across the United States. It is and has been considered an effective and appropriate therapeutic delivery mode based on 20 years of research by over 40 academic published studies.
- Additionally, in 2005 ASHA endorsed Teletherapy: “Based on the strong body of peer-reviewed research supporting telepractice, ASHA recognizes telepractice (teletherapy) as a valid means of service delivery for audiologists and speech-language pathologists.”
What are the benefits of Teletherapy?
By utilizing fun and engaging digital technology, teletherapy is exceptionally kid-friendly. Today’s children are comfortable with computers and live game-based activities such as video interactions and digital learning. In this rapidly developing technological world of ours, the digital dimensions of online therapy have become very natural and almost expected. For shy and more reserved children, teletherapy is less intimidating the traditional face-to-face therapy. Teletherapy provides the capacity to remotely log in and observe the session in real time allowing parents or members of the child’s “team” to see his or her progress. TT allows for meeting the child’s IEP goals, continuity of care and parents becoming coaches to have more empowerment of the entire family in the child’s well being and progress towards his educational, developmental , behavioral or cognitive goals.
What will be the cost of Teletherapy?
Costs are variable and very competitive to ensure that this partnership is sustainable for the child/family and schools. This also depends on the type of sessions chosen, individual versus group, length of time etc. Please contact us at costs are variable and very competitive to ensure that this partnership is sustainable for the child/family and schools. This also depends on the type of sessions chosen, individual versus group, length of time etc. Please contact us at 510-441-8240 for details on any pricing.
What type of computer do I need?
Ideally you should use a desktop or a laptop. Tablets or phones will work but it may be more difficult to set those up. You will need a webcam and speakers. Headphones are optional.
What type of internet connection do I need?
A high speed internet connection is best. Try and have only the teletherapy session running on the computer and close out any other browser tabs or apps. During the teletherapy session, please refrain from heavy internet use (i.e video streaming) by other people in your household.
Where should I set up the computer?
If possible, try to find a quiet place with minimal to no distractions. Have a simple background behind your child such as a plain wall or hang up a sheet up on the wall. Avoid sitting your child with their back to the window because the bright light will make it hard to see your child. Test the video camera angle out so that the camera is showing the child.
It would be great for tabletop activities your child is sitting upright with their feet on the floor and the desk around elbow height. For movement activities, it would be helpful to have a small open space to complete the physical activity.
How will I know what time the session is at?
We will work together to establish the best time for the session. You should receive an email with the information for the time and how to join the teletherapy session.
Do you need the parent or caregiver to stay during the teletherapy session?
Yes, we will need your help to guide the child and direct the child’s attention to the computer screen or activity that is provided. There will be a learning curve for everyone at first, so it is helpful to have an adult present to troubleshoot any issues that arise to make the session productive.
Do I need to prepare anything in advance of the session?
We may send a list of materials that you should have around your house (ie paper, pencil, blocks, etc) prior to the session. You may receive an email with materials that you can print.
For how long can I schedule a session?
Session times are based on the needs of the child, school, or family and on recommendations by the team. Length and frequency can vary however the most commons ones are:
- 1 hour
- 45 minutes
- 30 minutes